Liz hates (s) doing
the laundry. She realizes (iz) that four weeks (s) have
passed since her last trip to the Laundromat. There are piles (s) of
clothes (z) in the closets (s), the sheets (z)and towels (z) are
dirty, she’s (z) been wearing the same pair of blue
jeans (s) for nine days (z), and she doesn’t (s) have
any clean socks (s) or blouses (iz) left. She
thinks (s) about it while she watches (z) one of her
favorite TV shows (s). She wishes (iz) she didn’t have to do
such chores (s). Then she opens (z) a book,
turns (s) the pages (z), and tries (z) to study. The
phone rings (s): one of
Liz’s (iz) friends (s) reminds (z) her about
Sally’s (z) party tomorrow evening. She decides (z) that
it’s (s) now or never. She can’t go to the party unless she
washes (iz) one of her new dresses (iz). She
stuffs (s) all her clothes (s) into two laundry
bags (s). She strips (s)the bed and pulls (s) the pillowcases (iz) off
the pillows (z). She goes (s) through the apartment, picking up
everything in sight. Finally, she grabs (s) some coat
hangers (s), two boxes (iz) of detergent, and her keys (z),
and closes (iz) the door behind her. She hopes (s) she
won’t be too late. She arrives (s) at the Laundromat, carries (z) in
all her belongings (s), and searches (iz) for some empty
machines (z). But they’re all either in use or out of order. She
sighs (z), picks (s) up everything, and drives (s) to
the local video store to rent a couple of movies (iz).
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My Life My Journey
Everybody wants happiness nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
-siti filza atika-Tuesday, July 2, 2013
About Me
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