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The clock radio played soft music, but it sounded far away to Howard. At last, he opened
/t/ /id/ /d/
his eyes, rolled over, and looked at the clock. He turned away and started to go back to sleep /d/ /t/ /id/ /id/
when suddenly he realized that it was already eight o’clock. He was late. He jumped out of bed, /t/ /t/
quickly shaved, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and got dressed. He’d wanted to take a
/t/ /t/ /d/ /d/ /id/
shower, but decided that there wasn’t enough time. He rushed down the stairs and into the
/id/ /t/
kitchen. He hated being late. Hurriedly, he fixed breakfast¬¬―coffee and a toasted English muffin /id/ /t/ /id/
(no time for his usual fried egg)―and raced out the door. He started his car and had just pulled /t/ /t/ /id/ /t/
out the driveway when the thought popped into his mind : it was Saturday; he didn’t have to go /t/
to work after all. He slowly returned, climbed the stairs, changed his clothes, and went back to /d/ /d/ /id/
bed again.

My Life My Journey
Everybody wants happiness nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
-siti filza atika-Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Howard’s Morning
The clock radio played soft music, but it sounded far away to Howard. At last, he opened
/t/ /id/ /d/
his eyes, rolled over, and looked at the clock. He turned away and started to go back to sleep /d/ /t/ /id/ /id/
when suddenly he realized that it was already eight o’clock. He was late. He jumped out of bed, /t/ /t/
quickly shaved, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and got dressed. He’d wanted to take a
/t/ /t/ /d/ /d/ /id/
shower, but decided that there wasn’t enough time. He rushed down the stairs and into the
/id/ /t/
kitchen. He hated being late. Hurriedly, he fixed breakfast¬¬―coffee and a toasted English muffin /id/ /t/ /id/
(no time for his usual fried egg)―and raced out the door. He started his car and had just pulled /t/ /t/ /id/ /t/
out the driveway when the thought popped into his mind : it was Saturday; he didn’t have to go /t/
to work after all. He slowly returned, climbed the stairs, changed his clothes, and went back to /d/ /d/ /id/
bed again.
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